June 13, 2023
Dear neighbors and fellow citizens of Jackson Co –
As you may know, Vulcan Materials Co. (www.vulcanmaterials.com), a huge conglomerate, has been negotiating contracts on approximately 1000 acres of land along Chandler Bridge Road near Jefferson River Road, up toward New Kings Bridge Rd. and over to Center on 441. This land is zoned agricultural, with most in conservation.
Vulcan representatives have told nearby residents that are seeking permits (which could be through special use permit or rezoning) for a quarry pit to extract gravel. They further stated a desire to later add subsidiary businesses such as concrete plants. Vulcan has another gravel and concrete operation at 1626 Possum Creek Rd., Jefferson, which offers a view of the potential consequences of this project.
The most effective way for you to help to ensure proper land use is to call or write to our six Jackson Co. Commissioners. You may send a short message of opposition, or you can use the following talking points. Please personalize your e-mails as form messages do not have the same impact.
1) Jackson County has a comprehensive plan that was developed over many hours with planning officials, citizens, and elected officials. The plan is dedicated to the mixed rural/residential character of our county, which differentiates us from Gwinnett or other high-density counties. We are not against industry or business, but in their rightful place, not in the middle of our agricultural or residential areas.
2) The potential impact to our quality of life is huge with concerns for air and water pollution, noise from blasting and trucking as well as road and traffic issues, and no studies of these impacts have been presented as yet. These threats outweigh any claimed benefits.
3) If this industrial project is allowed to go forward, it will forever change the nature of South Jackson County and make it more likely that the project will expand and that other such industrial projects will be harder to prevent. This project would set a dangerous precedent.
4) Vulcan has a track record with many environmental and safety violations. This website tracks the reported infractions, but more research is being done. It is important to remember that Vulcan is accountable to its shareholders, not to the citizens of Jackson County.
Please contact your commissioners as soon as possible at:
mseagreaves@jacksoncountygov.com Marty Seagraves District 4 (impacted area commissioner)
jhix@jacksoncountygov.com Jim Hix District 1
chardy@jacksoncountygov.com Chas Hardy District 2
cbingham@jacksoncountygov.com Chad Bingham District 3
mclark@jacksoncountygov.com Marty Clark District 5
tcrow@jacksoncountygov.com BOC chair
Thanks in advance for your support on this critical issue, and please forward to as many people as you can and suggest names to be added to the list. We can work together to protect Jackson County. Please note that your neighbors may join the CSJ mailing list by visiting www.http://www.citizensforsustainablejackson.org/ and clicking on the Contact/Join tab.
Thank you for helping to protect our neighborhoods and our County,
Citizens for Sustainable Jackson